How to make your #GivingTuesday results even better than last year

How to make your #GivingTuesday results even better than last year

Use these seven tips to improve your #GivingTuesday results and set your organization up for success (and a bonus tip for 2022)

An eye-popping $1.4 billion was given last year on #GivingTuesday. Yes, giving was affected by the pandemic. However, you can continue the momentum by taking steps now to retain these donors and add new ones in 2021.  Here are seven tips to improve your results and help your organization retain donors.

  1. Do make sure your gift processing and online giving pages are flawless and ready to accept, process, and acknowledge a higher volume of gifts. Be sure they work on all mobile devices and are easy to navigate on a smaller screen.
  2. Women drive #GivingTuesday. According to The Women’s Philanthropy Institute, women gave 64.5% of online gifts and 63% of the total dollars last year, but each gift was smaller-68% of donations under $25 were from women.   Now is the time to run donor segmentation reports to help you focus your #GivingTuesday campaign on women and the issues that concern them to improve your results.
  3. Don’t leave #GivingTuesday donor retention up to chance. Technology and online giving platforms open the doors to new donors. To keep them as donors, especially female donors, they need to find community and personal connections.  Remember Tip #2, more women than men give online, but in smaller amounts. Do your stewardship practices include meaningful ways to acknowledge donors who give smaller amounts to your organization? If not, it’s time to consider changes that welcome them.
  4. Consider hosting a FaceBook live or Instagram moment on #GivingTuesday to visually showcase the impact of your services; promote it with a unique email invitation to  donors who gave last year
  5. Do add excitement: Ask a current donor to consider an additional gift that can be used to match new gifts this year. Matching gifts are a great way to encourage donors and add urgency to your request.
  6. Photos and short videos are essential to telling your story. Start listening for stories that you can use on #GivingTuesday to motivate and educate your donors
  7.  Remember, even though it occurs online, #GivingTuesday is a special event. Like all special events, the work isn’t over when the guests leave. To maximize all the effort your organization put in to attract those online gifts, just as much, if not more, attention has to be put on stewardship.

And a bonus tip for 2022:

  • How will you engage your #GivingTuesday donors in 2022? Plan now; don’t leave it to chance. By creating opportunities to build new and strengthen existing relationships, you can build loyalty to your organization and its mission.  You can also provide natural opportunities to learn more about their interests and philanthropic passions and move from a one-time transaction to a trusted relationship.